You Should Learn What Marketing Is & How It Is Used With CATT Funnel.!

Kiran Gutha
12 min readApr 18, 2021


It is true that the use of “marketing” is more widespread today throughout the world. Let me give a simple brief about marketing. In simple words “Marketing is a science, it is a market research methodology by providing value and satisfying the customer with an objective”.

The marketing discipline responsible for studying the behavior of markets and the needs of consumers. Analyzing the commercial intent in order to attract, sell, and retain end-users by satisfying their wishes and solving their problems.

This is just the tip of the iceberg about marketing. In this comprehensive article, we are going to explain what marketing is, the marketing types and strategies that exist, marketing examples, the difference between advertising and marketing, the characteristics of a good marketer, which profiles are the most demanded today, and how to develop a marketing plan. Let’s dive into the article and explore more about marketing.

What Is Marketing?

What is marketing?

Marketing is a strategy that every company must implement in its global plan in order to reach target customers and grow business. Marketing starts before creating the product. It starts with understanding the customer and customer needs that lead to creating a product that fits into the market.

Marketing is about sending the right message to the right person at the right time. Marketing is not just about selling. It is also about keeping an existing customer happy by communicating with them so that they can remain a customer for life.

The purpose of marketing is to build a brand and capture a position in the minds of the customers. Many companies use marketing techniques to achieve their goals. Marketing is nothing but the exchange between various parties so that a mutually beneficial event occurs.

Many people do not know exactly what marketing is and when asked they tell us marketing is selling products to others, and others say marketing is advertising. All these answers are true, but these are only part of what marketing is because it can also be product research, product creation, distribution, packaging design, or creating landing pages. The marketing umbrella is very broad and encompasses all those strategies that help a company, brand, or person to achieve objectives.

Other possible answers to what is marketing:

“ Marketing is a global system of activities related to the commercial world, aimed at planning, setting prices, promoting and distributing products or services that help satisfy the needs of the end customer.”

“ Marketing is the set of activities that aim to satisfy the consumer through a product or service, with a business benefit in between.”

“ Marketing is an internal process of the company which plans ahead how to increase and meet the demand for products and services that have a commercial purpose by creating physical or digital promotion and distribution of such goods or services. “

“ Marketing means having the right product or service at the right time, to meet the needs of the potential consumers. Adapting to the demand and the fair price that the market requires. “

Fundamentals of Marketing

One of the most interesting characteristics of marketing is that it stimulates exchanges. It is the idea of ​​” I give you this in exchange for this other and thus satisfy your need”, often with an economic benefit behind it.

What must happen for this to happen?

  • There is always a minimum of two parties in an exchange, although more parties may be involved in the process.
  • It must have added value in the marketing process. The consumer seeks to cover a need or a desire, because he is always promised something to possess, with an applied value.
  • Both parties must yield. For example, the company adjusts the price and the customer to adapt to market demand.
  • Marketing is customer-centric when the customer is at the center of all marketing strategies and must be able to express their ideas and opinions and be answered.

With all this information, we can clearly conclude current marketing focuses on the needs and wants of the consumer. It is no longer a question of “impacting” or reaching him indiscriminately, but it’s more of listening to him and adapting to what he demands.

Therefore, marketing should not be understood as a grouping of techniques simply, but as a philosophy or way of working that should influence all areas of a company.

Also, marketing and sales should not work in isolation. Rather, they are two areas that must be understood as one and work closely interlace. Because without marketing, sales are not generated and without sales, we cannot know what the real pain points of the end-users are facing.

The true art of marketing is not knowing how to sell, but understanding the end consumer and offering them what they need at the right moment of the buyer journey.

Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing

Digital Marketing

The gap between digital marketing and traditional marketing is endless. Every entrepreneur knows that both strategies generate good results considering the nature of their business, however, the digital age is expanding like wildfire and brand-consumer interaction is decisive for loyalty, is an extra point for digital marketing.

Why is digital marketing more profitable than traditional marketing?

It is the question most people ask if they don’t have any experience with marketing. Traditional marketing, also known as offline marketing, only focuses its mechanism of action on the product or service to encourage sales. On the other hand, digital marketing or online marketing uses its action to connect with the user and generate a conversion.

Why is digital marketing more profitable than traditional media?

Here we’ll discuss a list of ways why digital marketing is more profitable than traditional media.


  • Traditional Marketing: The message is aimed at the masses. General aspects regarding age, sex, location, salary, and studies of the audience are studied.
  • Digital Marketing: The interests, behavior in social media, and more specific demographic characteristics of the audience are studied. The message is directed to select segments.


  • Traditional Marketing: It is unidirectional and linear. The user is passive and does not have the ability to generate a response to the company. Promote a message through the mass media to influence the buying behavior of the public.
  • Digital Marketing: It is bi-directional and interactive. Build relationships with the company and customers. Promotes credibility with consumers. The company establishes conversations and meets the needs of the public.


  • Traditional Marketing: The presence of a brand is due to the use of traditional channels such as the press, radio, television, events, exhibitions, and conferences as well as advertisements or printed material.
  • Digital Marketing: The presence of a brand is due to the internet and the use of digital channels such as search engines, social networks, email marketing, websites, blogs, mobile apps, and online stores, etc.


  • Traditional Marketing: The businesses hire advertising space in the media or on billboards, which involves large investments of money and time.
  • Digital Marketing: The businesses hire a digital marketing agency that generates proposals according to his business and his budget.


  • Traditional Marketing: The ads have specific times and places. It takes time to generate customers and buyers. Advertising is invasive and reaches an audience that did not request the brand information.
  • Digital Marketing: It is easier to generate purchases with a single click. Advertising is less invasive and reaches a specific audience that has confidence in the brand.


  • Traditional Marketing: The results are not always quantifiable because it is aimed at the masses. It also focuses on the design of offline surveys to study the market, measure customer behavior, and study opinions about the brand with results in a long time.
  • Digital Marketing: The impact of digital campaigns is measured based on the statistics obtained in digital campaigns. It also focuses on the design of online surveys to study the market, measure user behavior, and study opinions on social platforms with immediate results.


  • Traditional Marketing: The strategies and the action plan are geared towards your sales. The brand is difficult to access for the buyer, it cares about promoting its mission and vision without heeding the buyers’ suggestions.
  • Digital Marketing: The brand is no longer “untouchable”, worrying about listening to the needs of its community, which improves the connection with the audience.

Why is digital marketing better than traditional marketing?

  • The contents and advertisements win over time. In general, you can modify the message as many times as necessary without generating additional costs.
  • It is easily accessible for the users and inexpensive for businesses.
  • Businesses can listen to the opinion of the communities and take into account.
  • The strategies that are developed are measurable. Even if you do not have a physical office, the statistics and your campaigns will yield important data. Analyze them, and make better decisions.

What Is CATT Marketing Funnel?

CATT Marketing Funnel

C.A.T.T. stands for Content, Attention, Trust & Transaction. CATT, the marketing funnel methodology plays a vital role in product or service marketing campaigns.

It works like, the content should be a quality one, it has to be related to your audience. It has to bring them something new, different, entertaining. Your content should get attention from your target audience.

Creating content is for gaining attention, building trust, that trust leads to a transaction. This is how the CATT marketing funnel works.

Business owners or entrepreneurs, take advantage of the CATT Marketing funnel technique to achieve your goals.

CATT — It is the secret weapon to be used in our niche marketing strategy, build authority, trust, convert target audience into customers, boost sales and grow your wealth.

Wealth = n ^ CATT

In the above formula where ^ denotes power.

Where (n) is a niche, with the help of CATT’s powerful content marketing strategy you can generate wealth in your niche.

N = Niche — A niche market is an unattended part of a large group of consumers, a hidden opportunity within a broad and competitive market. A niche market, in particular, is a fraction of a market segment.

If the Internet is a segment of the technology market, blogs, and social media, for example, are niche markets. If you’re starting your business now, finding your niche should be the first step in your go-to-market strategy. Wealth is in niche markets.

C = Content — Can you imagine Netflix or HBO without movies, series, or documentaries? Spotify without music, podcast, or radio? The same goes for your product or service marketing programs — content is king.

Whoever your audience is, it’s content that drives engagement, knowledge retention, and positive user experiences. The content can be text articles, videos, infographics, pdf, or any other type of content. It is in charge of capturing the attention of your audience to promote your products and services.

A= Attention — We are creating content to gain the attention of your target. It means driving attention through driving traffic to your content using different marketing activities like organic traffic driving, social media, paid mediums, videos, referrals, and other methods.

For example, young millennials are your target audience, then you must appeal to all available digital resources because traditional media no longer guarantee their attention and everything that comes afterward. Attention is everything. Create great content and drive attention.

T= Trust — You already have their attention, now what? Give him a promise. Offer him the benefit of getting something that by consuming your free content he considers has been useful and that it will serve to improve his life. Get them interested in the brand promise and its message. This way you can build trust with your prospects.

T= Transaction — Now yes, your reader, your prospects, your audiences are willing to take the next step, because they want what you have promised them, they want the solution, they want the tool and they want everything you told them they would find with you. You can list the benefits of choosing what you have offered, you can also tell him how his situation will change if he makes this decision.

The objective is to guarantee that when moving from interest to desire, this leads to a transaction. It’s not just about buying what you offer, it’s about doing what you suggest; In other words, you can even make him an ambassador for your brand, since he is so convinced that yours is the best choice that this is where the famous “word of mouth” will take place.

It’s 100% recommended, integrate the CATT marketing funnel in your marketing strategy to get amazing results.

Integrated Marketing Strategies and Types

Integrated Digital Marketing

Here are different strategies and types of marketing and concepts that can help you in your global marketing strategies to promote your brand, product, or service:

  • Marketing Plan: It is necessary to design a good marketing plan. Without a marketing plan, the objectives set by the company or brand cannot be achieved.
  • Digital Marketing or Online Marketing: Digital marketing or online marketing is the discipline of marketing that focuses on developing a strategy only in the digital environment.
  • Direct Marketing: Direct marketing is a type of campaign to trigger a result against a certain audience, based on direct and two-way communication.
  • Email Marketing: Email marketing is one of the marketing techniques with the most profitability and effectiveness in terms of return. Define segments and send emails to your audience easily.
  • Mobile Marketing: Mobile marketing is a broad concept that encompasses all actions and marketing campaigns targeted exclusively to mobile devices: smartphones and tablets.
  • Performance Marketing: Performance Marketing or Results-oriented marketing is a methodology applied by various marketing agencies and assures advertisers that they only have to pay for results achieved.
  • Inbound Marketing: This inbound marketing methodology focuses on creating valuable content on inbound channels to attract qualified traffic aligned with your industry goals.
  • Social Media Marketing: Social media marketing is also one of the marketing techniques to choose the best suited social media platforms and promote your product or service.

Personal Branding: MassTrust Blueprint

Personal Branding is a concept that consists of considering oneself as a commercial brand with the aim of differentiating themselves and achieving greater professional success. A brand is something that is built day by day as it shows who you are and what you like to do.

Mass Trust Blueprint

How to build a personal brand

Here are the basic steps to start creating a professional and optimal personal brand.

Define your goals

One of the big mistakes made when developing a personal brand is forgetting about the objectives. It’s very important to define your goals before building your personal brand.

By answering the following questions you can define your goals:

  • What career goals do you want to achieve?
  • How many followers do you want to get?
  • Getting new clients for your business?
  • Generate new opportunities & increase contacts?
  • Where will you be in three years from now?

It is advisable to prioritize and define the most necessary or immediate objectives you want to achieve and work accordingly.

Determine your target audience

Determining your goals is a crucial factor in successfully developing personal branding, but determining your target audience is also very important for your personal branding. It is true that good content tends to attract a large audience. However, this fact does not ensure success, as it does not guarantee that this is the right target audience for your brand.

Defining who your target audience is will help you generate not only good content but the correct one to achieve your goals.

Having a personal brand is not enough to get the most out of it. To develop and improve your personal brand you need to work hard and effectively.


In this article, we have discussed what is marketing, fundamentals of marketing, traditional marketing vs digital marketing, CATT marketing funnel, integrated digital marketing, personal branding.

Marketing is a strategy that every company must implement in its global plan in order to reach target customers and grow business.

C.A.T.T. stands for Content, Attention, Trust & Transaction. CATT, the marketing funnel methodology plays a vital role in product or service marketing campaigns and achieve goals.

Just remember that your content must be based on the needs and expectations of the audiences in order to attract their attention while offering them valuable, shareable, and searchable content are the fundamental keys to attract, build trust and sell the products.

We have come to an end.!

You are awesome. I really appreciate your efforts, you have reached here and you are already on the journey of learning marketing and digital marketing. I would love to hear your views on this article and I encourage you to comment if you have any questions. I will be happy to answer your questions and concerns. Happy learning and all the best for your future.

Note: This assignment is part of the Digital Deepak Internship Program.



Kiran Gutha
Kiran Gutha

Written by Kiran Gutha

Kiran Gutha is an Hyderabad based entrepreneur, digital marketing expert, business strategist and mentor. (

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